The Keysight Digital Learning Suite is a secure digital learning platform that offers lab management and learning functionality within a school’s LMS:

  • Access thousands of on-demand industry-relevant learning resources from Keysight technical experts.
  • Control your instruments and test units from an integrated web interface powered by the Keysight PathWave Test Automation test sequencer.
  • Enable students to graphically chart tools to visualize, compare, analyze and share test results.
  • Get complete lab project design validation and characterization up to 10 times faster than traditional in-lab methods.
  • Increase lab equipment and software utilization up to 3 times compared to legacy physical-only lab environments.
  • Access to a holistic end-to-end education journey from anywhere at any time via a secure single sign-on (SSO) web interface and seamless integration with the university’s learning management system (LMS).

Keysight Digital Learning Suite Form

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